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Expedited turnaround time compared to a-la-carte services
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Expedited turnaround time compared to a-la-carte services
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Expedited turnaround time compared to a-la-carte services
Each of our packages also includes faster turnaround times than our a-la-carte services.
Once your research questions are established, we will design the best plan to answer your hypotheses. Your statistician will align your variables with your research questions and create a written plan that describes and justifies your analysis to present in your proposal.
Please note that statistics packages cannot be used for the following:
Structural equation modeling-based analyses (including structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, or growth curve models).
Projects with >3 research questions, or additional analyses not included in the analysis plan, or those not requested prior to completion of the analysis. Contact us about one of our custom packages.
Qualitative analysis or mixed methods.
Only follow-up analyses (i.e., post hoc tests, nonparametric tests) that accompanied the initial planned analyses are included.
Follow-up analyses and update requests can be undertaken up to 30 days after the analysis has been completed.
Please note that statistics packages cannot be used for the following:
Structural equation modeling-based analyses (including structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, or growth curve models).
Projects with >3 research questions, or additional analyses not included in the analysis plan, or those not requested prior to completion of the analysis. Contact us about one of our custom packages.
Qualitative analysis or mixed methods.
Only follow-up analyses (i.e., post hoc tests, nonparametric tests) that accompanied the initial planned analyses are included.
Follow-up analyses and update requests can be undertaken up to 30 days after the analysis has been completed.
Typical Cost*
Copy Editing
Line Editing
Heavy Developmental Editing
Developmental Review
$0.03/word–0.04/word, plus $200 for summary
review letter and follow-up consultation
Front Matter Page Formatting and Table of Contents/List of Tables/Figures Generation
Figure Formatting
Table Formatting
Reference List/Footnotes Formatting
Coaching and Consultation Sessions
$130/hr ($110/hr for each subsequent session)
$0.03/word–0.04/word, plus $200 for summary review letter and follow-up consultation
$130/hr ($110/hr for each subsequent session)
✔️ Proofreading - $0.02/word–0.03/word
✔️ Copy Editing - $0.03/word–0.04/word
✔️ Line Editing - $0.04/word–0.05/word
✔️ Heavy Developmental Editing - $0.05/word–0.07/word
✔️ Formatting - $2/page
✔️ Front Matter Page Formatting and Table of Contents/List of Tables/Figures Generation - $150–350
✔️ Figure Formatting - $5–10/figure
✔️ Table Formatting - $10/page if editable
✔️ Reference List/Footnotes Formatting - $0.07/word–0.12/word
Developmental Review - $0.03/word–0.04/word, plus $200 for summary review letter and follow-up consultation
Coaching and Consultation Sessions - $130/hr ($110/hr for each subsequent session)
Statistics Document Review Package - $0.045/word, plus $130 follow-up consultation
Basic Analysis
✔️ Provides analysis of appropriately formatted data.
✔️ For clients who have a complete understanding of the analysis they are requesting and the ability to understand the results without assistance.
✔️ You will receive the results of your analysis as the deliverable of this service option.
✔️ The results are the outputs of the software used to conduct the analysis (e.g., SPSS, SAS, R, NVivo, AMOS).
Basic Analysis Costs
✔️ T-test: $170
✔️ Paired t-test: $170
✔️ Chi-square test (4×4): $280
✔️ Logistic regression (single IV): $240 + $90 per additional IV
✔️ ANOVA (3 levels): $360
✔️ Correlation (2×2 matrix): $140 + $40 per additional variable
✔️ ANCOVA (1 Covariate): $450
✔️ Mann-Whitney test: $200
✔️ MANOVA (2 DV, 3 IV): $600
✔️ Kruskal-Wallis test: $200
✔️ Repeated measures ANOVA (3 interventions/time points): $400
✔️ Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: $200
✔️ Explanatory factor analysis: $500
✔️ McNemar’s test: $200
✔️ Cluster analysis: $110/hour spent
✔️ Friedman’s test: $300
✔️ Power analysis: $120
✔️ Structural equation modeling (SEM): $110/hour spent
✔️ Linear regression (single IV): $240 + $90 per additional IV
Standard Analysis
✔️ Provides the same service as our Basic Analysis Package, but also comes with a written interpretation guide to your results, including all relevant tables and graphs.
✔️ Also comes with a 1-hour phone consultation with your statistician. You can use this to understand/determine which tests should be run and why, or to go over your results in detail and discuss their interpretation or implications for your research.
✔️ Sometimes our clients choose to use the cost of the 1-hour consultation to request annotation of their results files with explanations.
Standard Analysis Costs
✔️ T-test: $390
✔️ Paired t-test: $390
✔️ Chi-square test (4×4): $480
✔️ Logistic regression (single IV): $460 + $90 per additional IV
✔️ ANOVA (3 levels): $600
✔️ Correlation (2×2 matrix): $320 + $40 per additional variable
✔️ ANCOVA (1 covariate): $710
✔️ Mann-Whitney test: $440
✔️ MANOVA (2 DV, 3 IV): $860
✔️ Kruskal-Wallis test: $440
✔️ Repeated measures ANOVA (3 interventions/time points): $660
✔️ Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: $440
✔️ Exploratory factor analysis: $800
✔️ McNemar’s test: $440
✔️ Cluster analysis: $300 + $110/hour
✔️ Friedman’s test: $560
✔️ Power analysis: $240
✔️ Structural equation modeling (SEM): $300 + $110/hour
✔️ Linear regression (single IV): $460 + $90 per additional IV
Please contact us for a personalized quote.
*Price may vary according to project. For an exact quote for your required service, please use our contact form or email ([email protected] for editing or
[email protected] for stats) us your materials.
Ideal for academics looking to reach a wide audience and boost their career goals or build their personal brand.
Comes with comprehensive assistance for every stage of the book development and publishing process.
Tailored services depending on your academic, traditional, or self-publishing goals.
We can help you self-publish your manuscript in paperback, hardcover, or eBook formats.
Have your journal-article edited by experts with a strong track record of publishing high-impact papers in international, peer-reviewed journals.
Let us save you time by advising on which parts of the dissertation belong in your article and which need to be cut; then, we'll collaborate with you to rewrite and revise your content.
Consult with your editor on target journal selection, effective restructuring, field-specific writing and formatting conventions, and the article publication process.
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